Collection Filtering

App provides Auto-tagging feature to tag products with location based on product availability at that location. This allows using of Shopify's powerful automatic collection feature to create a collection of products available at a particular location. To enable collection filtering, go to the Collection page filtering tab within the app and click on Enable button, if your theme supports Tag groups provide an appropriate tag group.

Key information about Auto-tagging feature:

  • App uses location name from Shopify's location settings, Please ensure you are happy with the Location name before enabling the feature, once the feature is enabled and if you would like to change the location name then please disable the feature and wait for the app to remove location tags before updating the location names in Shopify.

  • App only tags active & published products available in the Online sales channel.

  • If you have a very large catalog enabling or disabling the feature will take some time.

  • Once the feature is enabled, App will automatically add or remove tags on a product whenever its stock quantity is changed within Shopify, please note there will be a delay of 15-20 secs between when stock quantity changes in Shopify and app updates location tags for the product.

Thems with no Tag group support

If your theme does not support tag groups then most likely your theme will have a Filter by dropdown option to allow for filtering by Tags and location tags will appear in the dropdown automatically OR you can manually create links in your navigation for Location-specific collection pages.

Thems with support of Tag groups

If your theme does support tag groups then specify the name of the tag group in the Location Tag group field, below is an example of left-hand navigation with the Location tag group: